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“A safe, fun & caring environment for your little one”
Call us on: 0121 544 1000
Nursery Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 7am-6:00pm
Minee Monkeys Ltd.
We welcome all to visit our setting, you can either book an appointment,
or just pop in, if you would like a guided tour to see if our nursery is
suitable for you and your child(ren).
If you require a place, we ask for you to fill in a booking form and contract
(available from reception) which contains all your child(ren)'s information,
we also require to see the child(ren's) original birth certificate.
We do not ask for a booking fee, fees will be payable the first day your
child attends nursery. You can either pay for the whole month or if you
require to pay weekley, the weekley fee is to be paid on the first day of
each week.
Day Nursery & Pre-School
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